Web Applications
While web applications are considered the "next big thing"
on the internet, it's much more than a fad. The concept of a web
application is simple: The program runs on the web server where
you host your site and the internet provides the connection to the
user's computer for input and output. Because the connection is
through well established web standards, any user device can be used.
It doesn't matter if your customers are using Windows (any version),
a Macintosh, Linux, a cell phone, a wireless laptop or even a video
game console such as the Sony Playstation - if they have access
to the web, they have access to your application.
A well designed web application will present a similar user interface
across all devices to all locations - you'll be able to access and
update your daily schedule from an internet cafe or your PDA just
as easily as you can from your desktop. The benefits a web application
provides for your customers is 24/7 access to your business from
any location.
Web applications are much more functional when compared to typical
websites. They are usually database driven and can store information
for (and about) the visitors. They can provide flexible, intelligent
answers to the customers needs instead of simple, static web pages.
These applications allow you to personalize the experience to each
visitor's needs - again making it easier for them to find the product
or solution they're looking for.